men's hair restoration
non-surgical. completely believable.Men’s Hair Loss Solutions and Causes
There are many reasons why you may be experiencing hair loss. We offer solutions that can be custom tailored to your specific needs. During your initial consultation, we will discuss where you are in your hair loss journey, and then choose the best solution for your lifestyle and goals.

This scale shows an accepted measurement of men’s hair loss.
men’s hair loss causes
Loss of hair as a result of illness, functional disorder, or hereditary disposition. The medical term for hair loss.
Androgenetic Alopecia
Most men (up to 85%) start to lose their hair as they age, and for most of them it’s hereditary and can be blamed on Androgenetic Alopecia. That’s the good news wrapped in the bad news. Because we’ve isolated the cause of most men’s hair loss, we’ve identified a few proven solutions that hold great promise for balding men.
Alopecia Totalis
A condition that results in no hair on the scalp. It may begin as Alopecia Areata or some other cause.
Alopecia Universalis
(AU) or Alopecia Areata Universalis is a medical condition involving loss of all hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes. It is an advanced form of Alopecia Areata.
Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia
A form of Lichen Planopilaris that is characterized primarily by slowly progressive hair loss (Alopecia) and scarring on the scalp near the forehead. In some cases, the eyebrows, eye lashes and/or other parts of the body may be involved, as well. Although it has been suggested that FFA may be due to hormonal changes or an autoimmune response, the exact cause of this condition is not yet known.
Lichen Planopilaris
Lichen planopilaris is a rare inflammatory condition that results in patchy progressive permanent hair loss mainly on the scalp. Three forms are recognised:
Classic lichen planopilaris, also known as follicular lichen planus
Frontal fibrosing alopecia
Graham Little syndrome
Lichen planopilaris usually affects young adult women, although the age range is wide and it also affects men. It commonly develops in association with lichen planus affecting the skin, mucosa and nails.
Although lichen planopilaris is rare, it is one of the common causes of scarring hair loss of the scalp.
Lichen planopilaris typically presents as smooth white patches of scalp hair loss. No hair follicle openings can be seen in the areas of hair loss. At the edges of these patches there may be scale and redness around each hair follicle. Hairs can be easily pulled out. It is multifocal and small patches may merge to form larger irregular areas.
Common sites of involvement are the sides, front and lower back of the scalp.
Medical Hair Loss
Temporary or permanent hair loss can be caused by several medications, including those for blood pressure problems, diabetes, heart disease and cholesterol. Any that affect the body’s hormone balance can have a pronounced effect: these include the contraceptive pill, hormone replacement therapy, steroids and acne medications.
Some treatments used to cure mycotic infections can cause massive hair loss, as well as chemotherapy medications used in cancer treatment.
Hair loss can also be caused by radiation to the head and cause specific areas of permanent hair loss. Injury can also cause areas of hair loss. Surgery or injury to the scalp from cuts, blows or burns can destroy hair follicles and leave specific areas without hair permanently. We can create specific solutions for these unique areas.
men’s hair loss solutions
Cesare Ragazzi CNC
Hair loss is overwhelmingly upsetting and until recently the solutions have been lackluster with visible bases and bad quality processed hair. Now with a CNC from Cesare Ragazzi you will as closely as possible have your hair back. The hair is gorgeous and virgin which means it is unprocessed. The base is a bioreplica of your scalp. We will match the color of your scalp, it breathes and is gas permeable so your scalp can breath and fits like a contact lens because it is 3D printed from a cast we make of your scalp. The biggest news is it will be seamless to anyone looking at you or touching your scalp and you can do any activity without detection such as swim or surf. You can wear your hair up or in braids. You can be intimate without any worry of detection or anything coming off. It can go right over any hair that you have. You can have your life back and your smile back. Come in for a complimentary consultation to find out what we can do for you. We are looking forward to meeting you and working with you.
Hair Loss Prevention Program
If you are experiencing hair loss then it’s time to start being proactive. Come in for a Trichology analysis and we can get you started on protocols to manage your hair loss. If you’re hair is beyond help through trichology, we can help you get your hair back with a non-surgical solution that is not a wig but instead an exact replica of your hair and scalp. There is nothing like this. It will literally look like you have your hair back and you will be able to participate in any activity such as swimming without worry. Contact us today for a consultation. Come and get your hair back and your smile back.
Havogen 5 Patch
Havogen 5 is a clear transdermal patch worn behind the ear for 12 hours at a time. Thanks to powerful antioxidant agents and the Vitamin E, Havogen 5 strongly fights free radicals formation.
This treatment works proactively in both men and women to fight hair loss before it starts by delivering B vitamins and essential nutrients to fortify the hair and scalp. The patch balances moisture in the hair and scalp, and combines plant stem cells, serenoa repens (saw palmetto), and avocado extract to promote healthy hair growth. Havogen 5 fights excess bacteria that can clog pores and block new growth.
Low Level Light Hair Therapy
Tricopulse: CRLAB’s Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT). This practical helmet has 252 diodes and is used to prevent hair loss, reduce dandruff, itchiness and bacteria load of the scalp.
Tricopulse: CRLAB’s Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT). This practical helmet has 252 diodes and is used to prevent hair loss, reduce dandruff, itchiness and bacteria load of the scalp.
The Tricoglam Home Use Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories is a device that allows the user to perform the CRLAB treatments comfortably at home.
Inside the helmet are placed 105 diodes.
Various program settings to treat the most common scalp anomalies (itching, redness, dandruff, seborrhea) and to prevent hair loss.

Hair Fact Vitamins for Women and Men by Grace Biogen is a comprehensive, holistic approach to strengthening the hair roots promoting follicular growth. Hair Fact Cyclical Therapy is a comprehensive, holistic approach to strengthening the hair roots promoting follicular growth.
What is Cesare Ragazzi CNC?
In my search for solutions to help stop or dramatically reduce hairloss and to find a non surgical hair restoration that is completely believable to where the client can look in the mirror and feel like themselves again as well as enjoy every activity without any fears of their hair coming off or revealing in any way that it isn’t real, I found Cesare Ragazzi. Check out this video to see the possibilities!